Timber Appraisals

Cape Fear Timber Company Timber AppraisalsCape Fear Timber Company provides an accurate appraisal of the tract current timber volume and its current market value. This is necessary in valuing estates, dividing land, in purchasing land, and selling or buying timber.

The timber is cruised by a Cape Fear Timber Company forester who systematically measures trees using a series of sample points or plots. Depending upon the timber age and size of parcel, cruise methods may be either 1/10 acre plots, prism (point) cruise, strip-cruise, or in some cases, a 100% inventory.

The detailed appraisal report lists the volume of timber by species, diameter class and price per unit for each product class (pulpwood, chip-n-saw, sawtimber) and estimate of timber market value.

We also provide appraisals of damage resulting from fire, insects, disease, storms or illegal cutting.

  • Forestland

    One-third of the United States is covered by forests, making forestland the number one type of land use in the United States.  Sixty percent of North Carolina is covered in forests.


Land for Sale

Timber for Sale

Cape Fear Timber Company
PO Box 147
Elizabethtown, NC 28337
910-862-8668 (phone) 910-862-8660 (fax) 910-590-9708 (mobile)